
While I've been crafting nearly my whole life, it's only been here in the last few years that I got back into it with renewed passion. I've toyed around for a while with the idea of selling what I make, but I think I'm finally ready to make that plunge. 

But who am I? As of writing this post, I'm a nobody on the scene of selling, well, anything. So the first logical step would be to get my name out there. Get people seeing what I've done when I've thrown my heart and soul into something so that they want to follow me and see what else I create.

So here goes: My Introduction!

I hang around on a lot of craft boards, but I never post anything. Im the shy, quiet lurker trying to gain the confidence to speak up. I find posting here easier because it is my little Nook, my secure place to try to find a voice. 

I have a lot of hobbies, but most notably I do crochet and acrylic painting. My favorite pieces, no matter which hobby I have done them in, are the ones that make me smile and laugh long after I've finished them. Which generally means they are odd, quirky, and geeky. 

I know that what I find amusement in making isn't always the most popular or likely to sell, but at the end of the day I would rather enjoy my life. That isn't to say that I dont make 'typical' items as well, neither that all my stuff is 'eccentric' crazy color/pattern. But I am the one to totally rock a knights helmet in the middle of winter to stay warm!

So I guess, without further ado, I should start filling this blog with pictures of things I've done in the past, because words can only go so far.

Kat's Crafty Nook


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